Saturday 25 December 2010

Christmas Day - Final Post

So the day started off in the usual way.

Miserable. But then I got into the shower and ooh aah I did the deed. It felt better from the first second I stepped out of the shower. As it dried it went into nice waves like it used to. I truly feel like my old self again. Here's the evidence:

I was going to take the cardigan off but I thought why break with tradition at this stage? I actually haven't even been wearing it for most of the day!

I have to say this experiment has been less fun than I thought it would be, and I'm also gutted that it didn't work at all. I think I can safely say I've busted the myth that giving up shampoo improves one's hair. It's disappointing but shampoo and conditioner really are the most wondrous and transformative products ever created.

A great Christmas day was had by all here. Only a couple of minor mishaps- Mummy forgot about the stuffing and we only remembered it 8 hours later when the aga started pumping black smoke. She also misplaced a whole load of presents. At least we had a great game of charades- I tried to act out Lorna Doon by doing 'sounds like' porn poon. They didn't get it.

Anyway, thanks dear readers for sticking with me through this long and painful process. I am going to try not to wash my hair quite so often as before, and I swear I will give up wearing the spotty cardigan quite so frequently. Happy Christmas.

Friday 24 December 2010

Last day of hell

Christmas eve has been a tough day here. I woke up with a slight hangover at 8:30am and have been slaving to get everything ready for Christmas until now- 01:37am! But I have done wondrous things in the crafts department. I can't give too much away just yet, but I have crafted some amazing shit out of copper pipes, reconstituted parts of Primark bags and an old tea set.

My hair is I'm actually relieved though that it hasn't suddenly started looking bounteous and amazing- I am just so looking forward to washing it now. Only a few hours to go!


Thursday 23 December 2010

More Christmas shit

Check out the view from my bedroom window:

It is well Christmassy here. The hair hasn't been bothering me too much. I'm close enough to the end now to be relishing the completion of the experiment. Tonight we went out to a Christmas drinks party at our family friends' house and my mother went around telling people why my hair looked so dire (to make sure that no one thought it was from lack of personal hygiene). I had a few strangers coming up to me and they all said that it really didn't look that bad. Everyone insists that they are simply being polite, and I think that's probably true. Here's me when I got back at 1am and realised I hadn't yet written my blog.

Having sworn to never again think about the lump that popped up yesterday on the back of my head, I couldn’t resist a quick google of carbuncle. (Alright, I had to check the spelling). What I found out made my blood run cold. Apparently it is a lesion caused by a group of infected hair follicles. It is most commonly caused by poor peronal hygiene… They occur most frequently on the back or nape of the neck… “Carbunculosis” is horribly contagious… They have to be drained in order to heal but sometimes they are so deep they have to be lanced…


Wednesday 22 December 2010

Driving home for Christmas

Tonight I drove back to Oxford for Christmas. We got back pretty late, but not too late to do some highly professional tree decorating. Here’s me in action:

I rinsed the hair this morning so it hasn’t been too bad today. Whenever I rinse the hair my hands end up coated in grease- the water beads right off.  It beads off the hair too like I'm a duck. Here’s another revolting revelation: I found a carbuncle on the back of my head that hurts. I don’t know if it’s a cyst or a boil or WHAT but I’m just not going to think about it any more.  If this hair experiment has caused me a permanent disfiguration I will not be amused. 

Tuesday 21 December 2010

Vile, vile day

Today has been one of the worst days of the whole experience. I discovered this morning... a massive, painful spot on the back of my head. I keep absent-mindedly scratching it and it really hurts. This has to be the lowest of the low. My hair is slimy and sticky and dry all at once. It is just horrific. I am now FANTASISING about that shower on Christmas morning.

Monday 20 December 2010

Late night

Scrappy and scraggly. I've taken to wearing my bobble hat in the office and my house. Today has been a hardcore day of Christmas shopping and doing crafts. I still have four Christmas presents to MAKE before Christmas day. I estimate it will take me about 30 more hours. So it's do-able if I stay up until 1am every night this week, like tonight. Night night.

Sunday 19 December 2010

Market Day

Today Jack and I took our new company Sweet View to the Sunday Upmarket on Brick Lane. It was a long and tiring day but we sold a few prints, scoped out the competition and developed our sales patter. Lots of our friends came to see us during the day which was nice. All of my sisters came and Lils put us to shame with her agressive Apprentice-style sales tactic, which was to go roaming asking people if they'd like to buy a print of London. It didn't actually work but it was highly impressive nonetheless.

There is no more perfect opportunity for wearing a woolly hat all day than a market on a freezing day, so the barnet didn't hamper me too much. I took it off for a minute though, just for the record:

Here's us at our stall (after we fled the white, empty room that we were originally put in, and got told off for moving without asking):

My sisters came to see us. Sadly Lils isn't captured in action on film. I think she was off haranguing people at this point whilst Ems and Cescy stuck to polite 'hellos!' But at least they were wearing Del Boy jackets and looked the part.